A new gym member undergoes an on-site induction process with a friendly and instructive trainer. Both are wearing athleisure attire and smiling.

Tips for Running a Successful Fitness Franchise Business

Optimize Growth & Retention by Creating a Culture of Belonging & Accountability

At REGYMEN Fitness Franchise Office, we know the importance of creating a seamless system of operations. As a franchisee, your goal will be to make employees and customers feel valued and prioritized. This includes new members, longtime members, and every employee. Today, we will discuss tips and recommendations on how to keep everyone motivated, engaged, and spirited – at every level of business.

The Onboarding Process Is Pivotal

The first few months are critical when it comes to member retention. You’ll need to create a rapport, develop a relationship, and prove to your member that the services they are receiving are worth the costs. REGYMEN Fitness Franchise Office understands the inherent value of our services and facilities. Our aim today is to outline what franchisees can do to ensure they convey what REGYMEN offers and represents.

A smooth and easy onboarding process is critical for client satisfaction. The following steps will help you present yourself and our services in the best possible light:

  • Offer a tour of the premises
  • Explain our classes, referral program, and membership perks
  • Greet every client with a friendly smile
  • Quickly get to know new members on by name basis
  • Customize a workout program to keep them oriented toward a goal
  • Track their progress and offer positive encouragement

Creating a workout plan and relationship with clients will help you hold them accountable, which can expedite transformation and increase the chances they will renew their membership. You might even consider assigning staff members to check in on returning members. Presenting a friendly and familiar face can help foster trust and engagement.

Treat Senior Members like Royalty

Avoid prioritizing new members to the peril of losing long-term members by neglecting their needs. Your objective should be to treat every member (new and returning) like royalty. Too often, loyal members can get lost in the system and overlooked. Make your return customers feel special and less tempted to seek out new sign-up bonuses and perks elsewhere by offering seasonal discounts, special offers, and renewal benefits.

Another way to boost membership is to create a referral program. This program will incentivize your biggest champions (loyal members) to conduct grassroots promotional campaigns on your behalf. Offering an incentive for both parties can create a win-win situation – gaining new members and offering another reason for your preexisting member to renew their membership. We suggest keeping your referral system easy to understand and tracking its success regularly by studying recruitment analytics.

Track Development & Growth

Most members join REGYMEN for a specific purpose – whether that be to relieve stress, build muscles, stay in shape, or belong to a community. One service that will appeal to many members is providing detailed metrics. Tracking workouts, attendance, and fitness goals and offering prizes/incentives can help boost your membership by keeping members confident and forward-focused.

Be mindful of setting unattainable goals. Creating an unrealistic bar can have an inverse effect – negatively demoralizing and disheartening your member. After all, nobody wants to expend time, money, and sweat without feeling like they are making steady progress. Keep the outlook optimistic by setting up fair and reasonable benchmarks.

There are many options for keeping track of progress, including:

  • Weekly/biweekly/monthly reports/reviews
  • Attendance charts
  • Digital journals
  • Professional management software

Train, Value, & Be Compassionate Toward Your Staff

Finally, never underestimate the value of employee morale and support. Your employees are the face, heart, and soul of your gym. Their energy sets the tone and mood – with the potential to increase or decrease member engagement and retention. It is your job to go above and beyond to treat your employees with the respect they deserve. Doing so will mitigate staff turnover, instability, and cancellation rates. Having a community of loyal employees will also help you form relationships with clients that will keep them motivated and involved.

Continuity shouldn’t be your only focus. It is also essential to ensure your staff leads with courteousness, professionalism, and competency. For quality control, you’ll want to vet employees strictly during the onboarding process and train those hired with specific, detailed instructions to reinforce our core values. As a representative of REGYMEN Fitness Franchise Office, each employee should be open, honest, communicative, and empathic. Emphasizing and championing these qualities will set the foundation for success.

Are you interested in opening a REGYMEN location? We’re looking for dedicated franchisees! Call (866) 954-1590 today!
